Thursday, April 2, 2009

Augie March, the Hunt for Happy Eggs, and Blog Stress

It's occured to me that what keeps me from writing is the worry that without pretty pictures, there's not a whole lot to keep someone reading.. but that's assuming I'm writing for others, rather than for myself. So I'm scrapping my earlier resolution to write more, and replacing it with writing more for myself. Now with that said and done, hopefully I can ramble to my heart's content - pictures or no pictures.

While blasting Augie March's "One Crowded Hour" through my newly aquired iPhone, I'm taking a quick break from writing for work to write a little about the world of Moi. After reading an article on, "Understanding Cruelty Free Eggs" I decided to go on a little bit of an "Egg Hunt". It broke my heart to read that delicous eggs were such conflict items. Not only that all males of the species were killed off inhumanely as useless, but also that after the initial period of 2 years of optimum egg laying had passed, the hens were also killed off. Not to mention that the conditions in which they live involves having their beaks and feet cut off, and being crammed into tiny spaces - and this is the "free range" ones! So I'm now on a mission to find local farms that provide happier eggs. I hope to come out of this with success rather than failure, as I'm contemplating giving eggs up altogether if I can't find ones that don't suffer to give me an omelette every once in a while. In May the city will pass a law allowing us to have backyard chickens here in the city - now to convince the cat that chicken doesn't taste as good as catfood..

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